Title is the debut major-label studio album by the American singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor. It was released on January 9, 2015, by Epic Records. Initially a songwriter for other artists, in 2013, Trainor signed with the label the following year and began recording material she co-wrote with Kevin Kadish. They were dissatisfied with the electronic dance music predominant in contemporary hit radio and drew influence from retro-styled 1950s and 1960s music.
Title is a doo-wop, pop, blue-eyed soul, and R&B record, with elements of Caribbean, hip hop, reggae, and soca music. Inspired by past relationships and her insecurities about body image, Trainor wrote songs she wished existed before she attended high school. The songs on the album explore themes such as female empowerment, self-respect, and self-awareness. Trainor promoted the "album" with several public appearances and televised performances.
After Title's release, Trainor embarked on the 2015 concert tours That Bass Tour and MTrain Tour. The album was supported by four singles, including "All About That Bass" which reached number one in 58countries and became the best-selling song by a female artist during the 2010s in the US. It also produced the Billboard Hot 100 top-15 singles "Lips Are Movin", "Dear Future Husband", and "Like I'm Gonna Lose You", the last of which features John Legend and peaked at number one in Australia, New Zealand, and Poland. Reviewers criticized Title's repetitiveness and did not foresee a long-lasting career for Trainor, though some appreciated her wit and audacious attitude.
Title debuted at number one on charts in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, and spent multiple weeks at the summit in Australia and New Zealand. It was Epic's first number-one album in the US since 2010, and in Australia since Michael Jackson's The Essential Michael Jackson in 2005. Title made Trainor the fifth female artist in history to send her debut single and album to number one and follow-up single to the top five in the US. It was the ninth-best-selling album of 2015 worldwide, and earned multi-platinum certifications in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Poland.
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